2020/10/21 13:26 [學術活動與專題演講]Computational Methods for Studying the Social Mobile Society





澳洲姊妹校昆士蘭科技大學(Queensland University of Technology,簡稱QUT)舉辦免費線上大師課程:Free Virtual Masterclass: Studying the Social Mobile Society,歡迎踴躍參加。

1. 時間:2020年10月29日(四) 5-6pm (UTC+10時區)。

2. 主題:Our Digital Social World: Computational Methods for Studying the Social Mobile Society。

3. 主講者:Associate Professor Daniel Angus。

Associate Professor Daniel Angus is program leader of the Computational Communication and Culture program within the QUT Digital Media Research Centre. His research focuses on the development of computational analysis methods for communication data, with a specific focus on interaction data.

His novel computational methods have improved our understanding of the nature of communication in medical consultations, conversations in aged care settings, television broadcast, social media, and news reporting. Daniel contributes regularly to government, media and industry on the impact of technology on society.

4. 演講內容:This masterclass will provide insights on social media analytics, covering how we go about collecting, examining and interpreting social media data using advanced analytical tools. The material is designed for a non-technical audience, and will provide students with a set of initial concepts to help them explore these topics themselves.

5. 網頁與報名網址:https://qut.zoom.us/webinar/register/3816024649633/WN_-uC6i9ZlT_qVuQ1eQki-pg。

6. 有意參加者請注意,系列會議時間為UTC+10時區,可至此網頁轉換時區:https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html。